Welcome, thank you for trying Simplebim!
An email containing a download link and trial activation key will be sent to you shortly.
The email is sent automatically and it should hit your inbox in max 30 minutes. If the email fails to arrive, please check your junk mail folder for an email with the subject ‘Launch your Simplebim trial now’, because in some cases this or the other emails may be blocked by your junk mail filter. If you can’t locate this email, please let us know and we will resend it manually.
The 15 days trial period started when you submitted the trial form. Start using it today to get most out of the evaluation! After the first 7 days we will ask you some feedback. Answering this short survey will allow you to continue the evaluation the whole 15 days. Here’s how the trial goes:
If you don’t find the verification email or you have any trouble installing or using the application, please contact us at trial@simplebim.com.